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When Is The Best Time Of Year To Empty Your Septic Tank?

A septic tank is an underground chamber that is typically made from plastic, concrete or fibreglass. Used to break down waste and act as a place for domestic wastewater to flow through, they are used by commercial and domestic properties to be an onsite sewage facility for areas not connected to a sewer system. If you have a septic tank on your property, you probably already know that it needs to be emptied regularly.

But what is the best time to empty your septic tank? Read on to find out.

Workmen emptying sewage pump

Signs You Need To Pump

There are several signs to look out for that will help you to know when your septic tank will need emptying. If it has been a couple of years since it has been emptied, it will probably need emptying. If you are not sure how long ago it was, you should ring your previous technician to see when it last was.

If you are noticing pooling water or bad smells, this can be a sign that your tank is full and sewage is starting to come up and maybe reach your property. A final sign is if your drains are beginning to drain more slowly, as this could indicate a build-up.

Best & Worst Time To Pump

So there are actually good and bad times of the year to empty a septic tank. The best time of year to pump your septic tank is during spring and summer. It should ideally be pumped before spring, as heavy spring rain showers can cause it to flood. You also want the least amount of waste possible in your tank during summer, as this is the time of the year the waste inside might smell worse.

The worst time of year to pump is during the winter. During this time of year, the ground is frozen and hard, making it difficult to get to the tank. Also, the waste in the tank itself might freeze, making it harder to clear the septic tank.

Septic Tank Emptying From R & A Cleansing

If you’re in Cornwall and are looking for septic tank emptying and reliable liquid waste disposal services, get in touch with R & A Cleansing today. Using our years of experience, we are able to conduct surveys, diagnose problems and carry out work as quickly as possible. We can offer affordable and swift assistance to your waste management issues.

If you’re in need of our services, call us today on 01566 782 852 or find out more about our septic tank emptying services here.

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